Monday, January 22, 2018

Card Review: Chronojet Dragon Z

So we now have a new Chronojet, donning his fresh new white paintjob and ready to fight.

His skill reads:

[CONT](VC):The cost of your Stride may also be paid with "Choose a grade 3 <Zodiac Time Beast> from your drop zone, and bind it face up.".
[AUTO](VC):[Soul Blast (1)] When your G unit Stride, you may pay the cost. If you do, choose up to one of any player's rear-guard, and put it on the bottom of the deck. If a card was put, search your deck for up to one <Zodiac Time Beast> with grade+1 than the card put into the deck with this effect, call it to (RC), and shuffle your deck.

Astounding, isn't it? Now for a quick breakdown.

The first skill is a free stride skill. Needless to say, free stride is a very powerful tool that any deck would love. On top of that, Jet Z is arguably the easiest to get online in the very early stages of the game. Grade 3 Zodiac in drop? Really easy. Just call down a fodder, tutor out Jet Z, and ditch the other Zodiac you had in hand. Drop zone's setup, a unit's fielded for early aggro, deck is thinned by a grand total of one, and you've tutored out your main ride.

The free stride skill allows the deck to be much more greedy as a whole. You can call excess Grade 3s in hand much more proactively for aggro, while still maintaining stride consistency. You don't need to take the risk of holding onto both Grade 3s in hand after using a stride fodder's skill, since pitching the extra Grade 3 for cost immediately sets you up for striding. Discarding Grade 3s for Perfect Guards isn't detrimental at all since, again, that's more Grade 3s in drop zone for you to get the ball rolling.

This free stride skill isn't anything close to what I imagined the deck would get, but I am very, very happy that we have it. How it's designed is just... lovely.

The stride skill is... way more than I wanted. It gives the deck some really efficient control options and tutor. An effective soulblast one for a plus two is very, very efficient in card economy and finally gives the deck a convenient, reliable outlet for all the soul it tends to build up. It gives you much more flexibility with scaling your field for Split or Avenir, and only really limited to what's on board for you to hit. Unfortunately, you're not given much choice against mirage decks, but overall the skill is extremely potent and efficient. Also helps the control matchup a ton. Free choice calls should never be underestimated.

That's enough dicksucking, now for what it does poorly.

...Honestly? Nothing really.

Nothing relevant, at least. The biggest ones are he lacks Nextage synergy and his Stride Skill can brick on occasion against mirage and sometimes control.

Nextage synergy is pretty much fixed by making Avenir a much more potent game ender, as well as the obvious new stride we will be getting in the future making Nextage unneeded for the most part.

The other issue won't be coming up very often, either. Against control you can still hit the opponent's rearguards to tutor, and against mirage you still have your own to hit if you really need to tutor something.

Bushi could honestly design a Mirage-Control clan, but what are the odds of that right?

Overall I am a very satisfied with Jet Z. He's cost efficient, he's powerful, he's way more than I expected. Slightly upset he doesn't have an RG skill, but he makes up for it tenfold.

This really hypes me up for ZTB support this set, and card design as a whole in the future.

Until next time!


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