Tuesday, January 24, 2017

Welcome to Sneklords!

Hey guys. Welcome to my new blog about Gear Chronicle.

So about me. My name's Robot Victor Chang. You might know me if you visit Budgetfight Vanguard or are part of the Wiki. I've been playing the game now for much of it's existence and have been a Gear Chronicle main of all kinds since it's release back in February of 2015. I've had a solid amount of blogging experience over at Budgetfight Vanguard and, while I can't back myself up with any tops or other accolades, I can be backed by a good amount of the wiki that I know what I'm talking about.

Now onto Gear Chronicle. I love the clan. Always have. Always will. The aesthetic and the gameplay always felt so enjoyable. It's a very hated clan at the moment for being so powerful and dominant clan. It gets very annoying when people tell me that "Jet is the only build that exists" and that "no other deck is worth playing". Honestly, there's so many unexplored areas in Gears, despite Jet receiving all the main support. Jet's a great deck and eats up at the limelight, but there's more to Gears than just that.

There's a couple of reasons why I'm making this blog. First, as a personal archive to keep all the things I know about Gear Chronicle in one place. Second, my friends were getting annoyed at me for just always talking about Gear Chronicle and clogging up the Discord server.

So yeah.

On Sneklords, I'm planning on writing about Gear Chronicle, periodically writing about different kinds of Gear Chronicle decks as well as updating them and talking about how to play them. In addition, since not everyone plays Gear Chronicle and I know some people just really hate the clan, I want to write about general Game Theory as well, talking about the mechanics behind the game and how to improve.

Anyhow, welcome to Sneklords!

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