Friday, July 14, 2017

Card Review: Chronotiger Gear Glare

Rejoice, for our lord and savior Chronofang has appeared!

Alright, so our hyped up Chronofang boss unit is here! And he's... RR? I was expecting a RRR or something, considering he's Chronofang and all.

But as we all know, rarity never equals card quality cough Dragdriver cough Black Fenrir cough so let's move on.

Now for what he does:

[Stride]-Stride Step-[Choose one or more cards with the sum of their grades being 3 or greater from your hand, and discard them] Stride this card on your (VC) from face down.
[ACT](VC)[1/Turn]:[Soul Blast (1) & Choose a face down card from your G zone with the same card name as this unit, and turn it face up] If you have a <Gear Beastheart card, choose any number of your opponent's rear-guards with the sum of their grades being less than or equal to the number of cards in your bind zone, and your opponent puts them on the bottom of his or her deck in any order.
[CONT](VC) Generation Break 3:If the number of cards in your bind zone is five or more, this unit gets [Power]+10000, then, if it is seven or more, it gets [Critical]+1, then, if it is nine or more, it gets drive+1.

First comment I would like to make is that he is extreme quality for a RR. Even if you don't think he's that great, just look at the quality of it.

To get it out of the way, I'd like to cover his Generation Break 3 first:

Short and simple, it's crap.

At first glance, you might just say it's a better Rebellion, right?

Well, yes and no. Yes, in the sense that once you hit all the requirements it's just a Rebellion with boardwipe. No, in the sense that there's no way you're gonna hit said requirements. Even when you do hit said requirements, Rebellion hits harder with his +20k minimum. Double the power that Gear Glare gains.

How hard are those requirements to hit, you say? Not hard, if you build your deck a certain way.

But if you're building your deck to bind that much and that fast, you might as well play Demiurge.

In normal Fang builds, you will rarely ever go past 5-7 in bind. You can definitely get the +10000, and feasibly get the +1 crit alongside it, but you will never gain the Quadruple drive in a regular game without going out of your way.

Now, if the GB3 is so crap, what makes this card so quality? That lovely, lovely first skill.

It's quite easily one of the most dynamic first strides that the game has to offer and has crazy amounts of synergy with the deck. At worst, it's a restrictive Ziegenburg first stride. At best, it's a massive boardwipe. All for a soul.

The key things to note about it are that it's your choice on what gets sent back to botdeck and that there are no restrictions on the amount of cards that get sent back. The only restriction is the grade. First stride, 1 card in bind. 2 Grade 0s and a Grade 1? All gone. The synergy with Chronofang's on-ride is awesome too, since Fang can downgrade a card to Grade 0 and setup for your lovely first stride Gear Glare. That is where that card quality comes in, folks.

There's also a couple things to note. The biggest is the fact that Glare messes up a Luard player's day like no other. A typical Luard player will have to go through alot of hoops if they want to get around Glare, although the option of gradesitting is there for them. Glare in general punishes players who decide to rush early and allows them to get rid of a bunch of rears with little to no effort. And all on a RR card. Quality folks, quality.

I'm really happy with how Gear Glare turned out. It's dynamic, is lowrarity, and it's huge quality for a deck I oh-so love. Considering this is a RR that was released right after something like Goddess of Still Water, I have huge hopes for this set and the clans included in it.


1 comment:

  1. love this card too! its a chronofang version of bind time dragon with much less cost but a little higher condition, but with all the new stuff the 9 binds aren't that hard
