Friday, May 26, 2017

New Zodiac Support Review!

I couldn't believe my eyes when we got Zodiac support. No, not Demiurge Zodiac support I mean Chronojet Zodiac support. Real, genuine Chronojet Zodiac support. And it's all amazing.
First up is Mystery-freeze, who is really good for Demiurge and GC in general.
It's an alternative unit to stride into outside of Altered when setting up for Demiurge, being able to bind the top four cards of the deck to set up for Demiurge. This striding into Drastic on an already filled Bind zone will absolutely hurt. I can already see Mystey-freeze based Bind strategies with Drastic as the main ride already. Unblockable 41k Vanguard anyone?
In other decks, Time Leap can utilize this quite well. Striding into this before or after a Groovy turn will obviously do some damage, given that you hit at least a Grade 0 or Grade 1. Chronofang will love this, being an additional card that can Quaddrive alongside Chronofang. It also fuels bind quite nicely and can help Nani hit numbers, flesh out boards with newly bound superior callers, etc etc. ZTB doesn't get as much benefit from this as the other Gears decks do, but since the deck inherently doesn't Counterblast much it can go into Mystery-freeze without overextending.
Legion can use this because their stride choices just suck. Lol.
One qualm I have with the card is that most of my decks run low amounts of Grade 3s, actually, so the chances of me hitting the quadruple drive are lower than most. 
The next card, Manish, is a Speedy Bunny that gets more power and can't be Denial Griffined or moved around by other sources. That in and of itself makes it a good card.
What makes this a great card is its ability to be abused by Huang-long, and by extension HuangStage. Attack, Bind itself, call with Huang-Long, attack again. Heck, this can be utilized in Time Leap as well. With only Groovy(HuangStage) as your other ZTB, this hits for 11k. Mannish then can itself, then call it back at end of battle with Groovy or Huang. After that, if you have a 7k booster for it and 6 units face up in the GZone your fresh Manish column hits for 21k. Manish is just an amazing card with so much utility.
Also Demiurge appreciates a card that binds itself after use.
The last card.... oh man is it just a godsend.
A Jeffrey clone that can be called out with Split Pegasus was something I've been wanting for a long, long time, and now we have that with Transit Dragon! It's arguably the best card that Zodiacs have gotten this set. Transit Dragon makes the Peacock-Split combo on the first stride much, much stronger, allowing for one to trade power for hand size. By calling a Shiftbullet and two Transits, you can go +3 to hand quite easily, which is really great if you think about it. Sitting on a 10 card hand after first stride with Split Pegasus is just gratifying, let me say that.
Overall, even if it's just this, I'm happy Jet Zodiacs have gotten solid support. We do still have a few slots left so Jet Zodiac can definitely get some more tools, but just these few cards already shoot up the strength of Zodiacs.

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